วันพุธที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

LAUDELE Sfantului NECTARIE din Aegina (1846-1920) glasul 3 - Praises stichera of SAINT NEKTARIOS, tone 3 in ROMANIAN - You feel peace inside your soul when you hear it!

LAUDELE Sfantului NECTARIE din Aegina (1846-1920) glasul 3 - Praises stichera of SAINT NEKTARIOS, tone 3 in ROMANIAN - You feel peace inside your soul when you hear it! Video Clips. Duration : 2.63 Mins.

www.orthodoxphotos.com SITE Saint Nectarios of Aegina(1846-1920) LIFE and WRITINGS. HOW OLD IS THE ORTHODOX FAITH? www.orthodoxphotos.com Este praznuit in data de 9 noiembrie. Moastele facatoare de minunui ale Sfantului Nectarie Taumaturgul, au vindecat multi credinciosi bolnavi de cancer carora doctorii nu le mai dadeau nici o sansa. The divine Nektarios of Aegina, is one of the most widely known of Greek Orthodox Saints. He was born on October 1st, 1846 in Silyvria.His parents brought him up in a manner pleasing to God, and did what their very limited means allowed for his formal education. Having completed elementary school in his hometown, he left for the great city of Constantinople at the age of 14. There, he found employment as a shop assistant and was able to earn a meager living. As well as regularly attending the Divine Liturgy, he also read the Holy Scriptures and Writings of the Orthodox Elders of the Church on a daily basis. In 1866, at the age of 20, Anastasios went to the island of Chios, where he was appointed a teacher. After 7 years, he entered into the local monastery, under the care of the venerable elder Pachomios. After 3 years as a novice Athanasios was tonsured a Monk and given the name Lazarus. A year later, he was ordained a Deacon and received the name Nektarios. Elder Pachomios, and a wealthy local benefactor convinced the young monk to complete his high school studies in Athens. From there Deacon Nektarios went to Alexandria, where he was ...

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ขอบคุณร้าน : aqua bac อควาพลัส

